
Colony Earth and the Rig Veda: Part I

Planet Earth is a Sacred Cosmic Life Laboratory for the creation of a wondrous variety of beings. Repeating cycles of Ice Ages and warm periods on earth are fertile ground for the evolutionary seeding, nurturing and tempering of races. These cycles create an environment conducive to the spiritual, mental, and emotional development and perfection of beings. Ultimately what is created here becomes available to other planets, and the living beings that inhabit or will inhabit those planets throughout the universe.

The idea that we live in an amazing and voluntary seed-bank is my conclusion based on my own spiritual experiences, along with 40 years of research, including the visions of the colonization of planet Earth that resulted in the book Inanna Returns, and more recently my obsession with and love of Sanskrit and the Sanskrit texts.

I believe that the Rig Veda will one day soon be understood as our most accurate window into the previous cycles of time. I doubt that there are many students of Sanskrit who have also seen 30+ UFOs and for a six month period had visions of the colonization of planet Earth. In fact there may be none. Nevertheless, here I am with my feet and mind firmly planted in both these realms.

What you read here does not diminish or disregard the value of spiritual knowledge in the sacred Sanskrit texts, or the importance of seeking Enlightenment. In fact this ‘off-world’ perspective embraces and rejoices in the magnificence of the Creator, the Oneness that supports the temporal holographic universe with its wondrous spectrum of dimensional realms. Nor does this conclusion demean humanity in any way, for it also celebrates the greatness of every courageous soul who has chosen to come here to participate in the grand ongoing process of seeding the universe.

Beneath the stunning dazzling spectacle of around 300 billion galaxies lies the Oneness — only ONE SOUL. We are all portions of the One that is the ultimate Source of this universe and all Life. Therefore as parts and portions of the infinite immutable immeasurable One, for the sake of our adventure into consciousness, we are pretending to be separate — and we Veil our great Oneness in individuality and the temporal illusion of separation via the signals transmitted as differentiated perception through the five senses.

But we are the ONE! There is no other.


I have always loved India. My first real understanding of the life saving, for me, wisdom in the Sanskrit texts took place in the late 1960s in the form of  ‘The Adventure of Consciousness’ an inspiring book by Satprem, the disciple of Sri Aurobindo. Thereafter like so many, I embarked on a path of meditation, searching for truth and enlightenment.

In the late 1980s as I read Zecharia Sitchin, I experienced visions of the colonization and ‘seeding’ of planet Earth by the family of Anu. These visions resulted in my self-publishing ‘Inanna Returns’ in 1995, now out of print. The visions through Inanna included information on the Indus Valley civilization.

Inanna said that she had been given the Indus territory to placate her ambition to rule Egypt. The Indus had already been partially settled and was ripe for further development. Inanna complained that the men in her family were changing, that the respect they once had for women, which was natural and accepted in the Pleiades, was being eroded. She felt this change had something to do with Earth’s frequencies. She was a bit angry and determined to set up a civilization in the Indus that respected women. Inanna said that she built temples to the goddess energies and trained her priestesses in the wisdom-knowledge of tantric practices, which had the power to alter consciousness and DNA codes.

Sitchin at one point also proposed a connection between the family of Anu, the Indus Valley, and the great Mahabharata War, a war that used many various radiation weapons. But Sitchin was not a Sanskrit scholar and he gave up the idea. I don’t blame him, as he had already mastered his share of ancient languages and Sanskrit requires years of study.


For many reasons by the late 1990s I had become very disillusioned with the ‘new age’ movement, and I tried to put my experience of the colonization visions and the book aside. You can imagine that this was not so easy and reminders kept emerging. I began to research everything, history, economics, quantum physics, any and all threads that might lead me to an understanding of what I had seen in the ‘Eye of my Mind’ as I chose to call it.

Naturally, I continued to search for evidence of what Inanna said about her influence in the Indus Valley. In 2000, I had moved back to New York City, my off-and-on home for 20 years. During this period I would walk through the Metropolitan Museum of Art three or four times a week. I would go to the rooms with the Sumerian and Mesopotamian exhibits, where there was also a photograph of the famous ‘public baths’ in Harappa. Each time I stood there, Inanna would tell me that these were not ‘public baths’ at all — they were pools that stored something like our radioactive isotopes for nuclear power.



It is well known that the ruins at the sights of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa were found to be extremely radioactive: “Practically nothing is known of their histories, except that both were destroyed suddenly. In Mohenjo-Daro, in an epicentre 150 feet wide, everything was crystallized, fused or melted; 180 feet from the center the bricks are melted on one side, indicating a blast.

“Excavations down to the street level revealed 44 scattered skeletons, as if doom had come so suddenly they could not get to their houses. All the skeletons were flattened to the ground. A father, mother and child were found flattened in the street, face down and still holding hands.


“It has been claimed that the skeletons, after thousands of years, are still among the most radioactive that have ever been found, on a par with those of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.”



Inanna had explained to me that Enki’s son Marduk, who hated her, had destroyed everything she had built there with his radiation weapons.

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I did understand clearly that the powers that were running the show on planet Earth, whoever or whatever they might be, were far more powerful than I was. It seemed to me that the only real refuge was in a ‘higher power’ and thus my own personal search for Enlightenment.

Being alone works for me and as I had done so often throughout my life, I isolated myself in the countryside. In solitude I immersed my consciousness in the Sanskrit texts, especially the Bhagavad Gita, the book I had tried to understand all my life. In 2005 slowly I began to have some real breakthrough experiences and finally after so many years I began to understand, to Know, to feel that we are only One — and I fell in love with Sanskrit.

I began teaching myself Sanskrit because I saw how diverse the various translations of the Sanskrit texts are and I wanted to see their meaning for myself. Each translation in fact reflects the consciousness, understanding, and school of metaphysical thought that the translator is conditioned by. This is obvious even in the later texts like the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita; but when you approach the oldest text, the Rig Veda, the differences in translation are staggering, bizarre and sometimes perplexing to the extent of being a bit comical – no disrespect intended.

Scholars disagree about the meaning of the Sanskrit words in the Rig Veda. The Sanskrit of this ancient text is very different than other later texts such as the Upanishads, the epic Mahabharata, or the even later Puranas. Here are a few quotes from scholars that may give you an idea of how complex and confused this area of Vedic scholarship is:

"To this day there is no internally consistent and coherent interpretation of the Vedas."


From: ‘The Celestial Key to the Vedas’ by B.G Sidharth, Indian physicist and director general of B. M. Birla Science Centre. Sidharth has written extensively on physics and his books are available on Amazon. He proposed the "dark energy" model at the seventh Marcel Grossman Conference in Jerusalem in June 1997, and at another conference on quantum physics in Singapore a year later. His research paper titled "The Universe of Fluctuations" was published in International Journal of Modern Physics in 1998.


A Sacred Quiz

“The language of the Rig Veda is archaic and contains such grammatical devices and linguistic forms which are beyond the reach of the common mind… Among the devices are mystic illusions, configurations of similar sounds and words, metaphors, incongruous grammatical formations, un-sequential syntactical relations and Word-Economy; and these create a sort of sacred quiz, which taxes the ingenuity of even the most learned one…There is considerable disagreement among the interpreters of the Rig Veda, particularly in the interpretation of individual words."

“By the time of the Brahmanas people started being skeptical about the authenticity of the meaning (of the Rig Veda) as well as the utility of the Veda.”

Yâska, a 6th century BC Sanskrit grammarian said in the Nirukta: "Seers had direct intuitive insight…by oral instruction, [they] handed down hymns to later generations who were destitute of direct intuitive knowledge.”

From: The Rigveda, Mandala III, Shukla & Shukla

[I take this to mean that by the 6th century BC, Sanskrit scholars realized that the original meanings would be lost to most.]


A Secret Meaning

The history of the Rig Veda in terms of it being understood even in India is quite amazing. In the introduction to the Rig Veda Samhita Mandala - 1, (Part One), translation by R.L. Kashyap, we are given some very useful insight by Prof. S.K. Ramachandra Rao. We are told that the Rig Veda “has a secret meaning” which employs a double-language method and was deliberately intended.

Sâyana (who died 1387) was an important commentator on the Vedas and it was his writings that served as the primary influence on the English scholars like Max Muller who translated the Rig Veda into English.

Prof. S.K. Ramachandra Rao further explains:

“It is unfortunate that the decadent culture in the country [India] during the middle ages [preferred ritualism]… As a result, the Veda was looked upon as source book for ritualism. [Sâyana was] an uncompromising votary of Mîmamska ritualism. ... It is remarkable that he (Sâyana) chose at all to write a commentary on Rig Veda Samhita… The words were all that was important for them [the Mîmamskas]… because the mantras had to be recited as part of the rituals. The meaning of the mantra was of no interest or importance to them.”

You can understand why the first English translations were so muddled, often absurd, and did no justice at all to these brilliant encoded verses. There are now new better, good translations and once again the differences in translations reflect the conditioning of the translators.

Through the lens of the spiritual and metaphysical there are wonderful translations from R.L. Kashup, David Frawley, and Shayam Ghosh. Other translators emphasize science (B.G. Sidharth) and history (Malati J. Shendge). I do not recommend the H.H. Wilson translation or Wendy Doniger’s sad Penguin edition. These sacred encoded verses are not about a primitive culture that worships deities. [See the link for a full book list on the Rig Veda.]

Trying to make sense of diverse historical timelines of Indian pre-history, eventually you find yourself in the mire of some rather unpleasant heated nationalism. Indians are said to love an argument! I found Shrikant G. Talageri’s ‘The Rigveda, A Historical Analysis’ worth reading and it is online. Of course, considering the origins and source of our civilizations as being off-planet might mute and dull some of these more vicious arguments. It is clear that we are not meant to know, and that off-world interactions are intentionally kept from us.


Perhaps the most intriguing and bold scholar is Malati J. Shendge (born 1934). Her unorthodox and unusual views have most likely offended everyone. She translates the Rig Veda as pure history and has managed to get nine books published. The Ford Foundation funded her research twice. I’m not at all sure what to make of that.

Malati J. Shendge interprets the Rig Veda verses as the actual history of the real people in the Indus Valley civilization. She reconstructs the process of “mythopoeisation” – meaning that these verses have been mistakenly turned in to myth:

“Originally the Rigveda hymns, in the limited context of the conflict of the devas and asuras [who according the Malati J. Shendge are not at all gods and demons, but rather simply two different opposing groups of historical people], were meant to be taken in the (realistic) literal sense without any symbolism. They describe the heroic deeds of their leader Indra [again not a deity, but a historical person] and those who aided him in the conflict. After the conflict was over, when the Aryans sought to make a religion out of the events of the conflict, the process of mythopoeisation set in.”

Malati J. Shendge is here describing quite accurately the birth of any ritual, yours and mine. “When the events became symbolic and were ascribed magical powers to attain certain aims, the process of mythopoeisation was complete. History was forgotten and dead ritual became the end in itself.”

I will write a separate article on Malati J. Shendge, who has made a definite scholarly connection between the Indus Valley civilization and Sumer. She has even written a book connecting Sanskrit with Mesopotamian Akkadian: ‘The Language of the Harappans: From Akkadian to Sanskrit.’ You may imagine that caught my attention! Her translations of the Rig Veda are somewhat ‘literal’ and quite different from others. Whatever one thinks of the lady Malati J. Shendge, you have to admit that she has an iron will and the courage of the goddess Durga.

None of these scholars would appreciate my ideas, I know. I’m sure the last thing Malati wants is to find her self connected to an old non-Indian white woman who has had visions of the colonization of planet Earth! In respect for her, I apologize; but I cannot help my own life experiences and when I read or resolve to translate these verses in the Rig Veda I see remnants of the ‘ancient astronauts’ who brought their technology, culture, and civilization to one small blue-green planet in a universe that contains 300 billion galaxies!


I do not accept the idea that we are alone in the universe, nor can I believe that the earth plane is the sole location where enlightenment can take place. There must be many planetary dimensional realms where beings may return into Union with their Source, the Oneness, or Brahman as the Sanskrit texts say.


For example, in my perception the Gandharvas, for whom "the heavens are their station" are the astronaut ‘rocket men’ – the ones who remained primarily in the orbiting space stations. They did contribute to the seeding of this planet. The Apsaras are what Sitchin called ‘the birth goddesses’ – meaning the women scientists and nurses who also remained primarily in the orbiting space station and who initially volunteered their wombs to incubate the new races.

The oldest families of Rishis, the Seers are the Angirasas. I cannot read this word without envisioning these Rig Vedic Seers as inter-stellar and inter-dimensional 'engineers', the elite astrophysicists, the men and women who were masters of their space technology and simultaneously adepts of highly advanced metaphysics, and who were the advisors to Anu. The Angirasas are the World Guardians.

In the Rig Veda, Agni is sometimes referred to as Angiras. AN, the supreme deity of the Sumerian pantheon and the patriarch of the family, being the first two letters and GIR as it might relate to the Akkadian fire-god, fire as in rocket propulsion. DinGIR in Sumerian cuneiform sign meant sky or heaven, and also a god or goddess. The masters of the sky were perceived as deities.

The Angirasas were the companions of Manu, the Sanskrit Noah (David Frawley). They were said to have accompanied Manu in his ‘boat’ or ship. Of course! They were there to guide him to a safe destination, to provide him with the means to survive, and they saved whatever DNA codes in the form they deemed useful – perhaps as holograms of the spirit body in the astral for all we know. According to Inanna, the Akkadian Noah, Utnapishtim, was one the ‘offspring’ of Enki, the brother of Enlil who was Inanna’s grandfather.

Noah/Manu was fleeing the massive flooding [around 11,00 BC] that takes place after an Ice Age. Thus the Sanskrit Noah brings up the fact of recurring Ice Ages and periodic Dissolutions that are inherent on our planet Earth. And which make it an ideal “seed” bank.


These are a few of the ideas that have given me reason to believe that the ancient Sanskrit text, the Rig Veda is the best and most accurate glimpse into the previous cycles of time. David Frawley states that the Rig Veda was conceived in the second cycle of time, the Treta Yuga. We are now in the fourth, the Kali Yuga.

There is evidence in the verses that the people who wrote the Rig Veda originally came from the Arctic Circle, which was then a mild climate. They like so many others were forced to migrate to escape the ice and brought their knowledge as memory with them. ['The Arctic Home in the Vedas' by Lokmanya Bâl Gangâdhar Tilak; available online.]

In my view, the Rig Veda has yet to be properly translated and certainly has never been translated from the perspective of it containing glimpses of a greater and more technically advanced civilization. With my humble and admittedly totally inadequate four years of teaching myself Sanskrit, I have translated verses in the Rig Veda that describe rocket fuel, ritual breeding and/or artificial insemination, and Ionospheric heating weather modification similar to HAARP.

The connection and correlation between the Sanskrit texts and quantum physics, Erwin Schrodinger’s cat, is well known. I have read six books by Indian scientists who are finding physics, string theory, quantum physics, and astronomy in the Sanskrit texts. These ideas are very subtle and could only have come from a more advanced civilization.

I believe that the Rig Veda will one day soon be understood as our most accurate window into ancient times. These Seers, the Rishis were not only enlightened adepts and genius poets — they were also masters of highly advanced sciences, which included space, aerial ships, the heliosphere, radiation weaponry, and climate modification. The Sanskrit words in the Rig Veda contain multiple and layered meanings. The verses can be understood and translated from the perspective of history, science, philosophy, physics, and metaphysics. In my opinion, the Rig Veda reflects the knowledge and wisdom of civilizations far superior to ours and gives us authentic glimpses into the previous cycles of time.


"To this day there is no internally consistent and coherent interpretation of the Vedas." – B.G. Sidharth

More to follow …



The Celestial Key to the Vedas by B.G. Sidharth; Inner Traditions, 1999.

The RGVEDA, Mandala III, A Critical Study of the Sayana Bhasya and Other Interpretations of the Rgveda (3.1.1 to 3.7.3), by Dr. Siddh Nath Shukla; Sharada Publishing House, Delhi, 2001.

RIG VEDA SAMHITA: Mandala – 1 (Part One), Suktas 1-50, (Text in Devanagari, Translation and Notes), by R.L. Kashyap; Saksi, Published in collaboration with ASR, Melkote; Sri Aurobindo Kapali Sastry Institute of Vedic Culture, Bangalore, India, 2009.

The Rig Veda and the History of India, by David Frawley; Aditya Prakashan, New Delhi, 2001, 2002.

The Civilized Demons: The Harappans in Rig Veda, Malati J. Shendge; Abhinav Publications, New Delhi, 1977.


Schrodinger’s Wave Equation



Bibliography / Rig Veda related book list:










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