The Fuel that Powers Circular Aerial Ships - Rig Veda Mandala III.44.5
The conqueror of the atmosphere and sky
[astronaut] in the circular metallic disc,
a mighty lightning producing weapon,
is borne, elevated [powered air borne]
by the precious silver milk [plasma]
lightning [electromagnetic radiation],
pleasing and longed for [the most efficient fuel],
extracted out of the fire-bright
resplendent pure essence Aethers-Soma
[particles charged with zero-point energy
existing everywhere in the universe,
a.k.a. prana, prakasha, brahman],
that by augmenting, increasing, and
from centrifugal energy [torus], turning,
setting into motion the wheels [engine]
of the supporting part of the chariot [aerial ship],
in the knowledge [technology]
revealed in the resounding fire-crackle
which splits, breaks open [the atoms], divides,
rends in a fluid murmur
the pressed out yellow [cake],
the split mineral [uranium].
Soma was never anything material. He who has drunk thinks that the herb which
men crush is the Soma; (but) that which the Brahmanas know to be Soma, of that
no one partakes. - Rig Veda X.85.3
The above verse comes from Mandala III (mandala = section), and is said to be is
one of the oldest. The other oldest is Mandala VI.
RIGVEDA, A Historical Analysis, by Shrikant G. Talageri; Aditya Prakashan, New
Delhi, 2000, 2004.]
Sanskrit word translations for this verse were found in and chosen, to the best
of my intuitive ability, from the Sanskrit-English Dictionary, M. Monier-Williams;
Two volumes, Recomposed and improved edition; Indica Books and Parimal
Publications, New Delhi, 2008.
indro haryantam-arjunam
indra (√inv with suffix ra preceded by inserted d); to subdue conquer; the
Indian Jupiter; god of the atmosphere and sky.
arjuna (rijra and √raj); white, clear (color of the day), of the dawn, of the
lightning, of the milk, of silver; made of silver; a particular grass (used to
substitute Soma).
hary to delight in, to like, to be fond of or pleased with, yearn after, long
for; to go.
haryat eager, willing, glad.
vajram shukra-rabhi-vritam
Vajra the hard or mighty one, shaped like a circular discus; a weapon that
produces lightning from centrifugal energy, circular.
shukra bright, resplendent; light colored, white, pure, spotless; the essence
of anything; a name of Agni, fire; clear or pure Soma; a receptacle for Soma or
any clear liquid.
bhidya to split, cleave, break, cut or rend asunder; to destroy; to pass
through (as a comet or planet).
rabhi the supporting part of the chariot.
vrit turning, moving, wheel set in motion.
vrata will, command, aw, ordinance; realm; sphere of action, function.
apavri to open, uncover, reveal.
no knowledge.
vriddhi grpwth, increase, augmentation, rise, elevation.
ribh to crackle (as fire); to murmur (as fluids); resound.
rad to split, divide, rend, break; cut, open.
suta-mud ga hari-bhira-ajat
su to urge, impel, incite.
sut begetting, engendering.
suta extracted, pressed out.
mud to mix, mingle, blend, unite.
hari to be yellow or green.
bhi fear
bhid split.
aja name of a mineral substance.
It was not my intention to uncover either quantum physics or ancient astronaut
manuals in the Rig Veda. I had been happily studying Kashmir Shaivism for the
last 3 years. However, I could not deny what I found.
I do not believe that this translation of mine in any way diminishes the
metaphysical and spiritual greatness of the Rig Veda verses. On the contrary,
the technology of an advanced civilization would remain strictly in harmony and
aligned with the Laws of Gods Universe.
I currently have six books written by Indians, not westerners, who are finding
physics, quantum physics, and string theory in these wonderful ancient Sanskrit
texts. (See book list.)
The language of the Rig Veda is archaic and contains such grammatical devices
and linguistic forms which are beyond the reach of the common mind.
Among the
devices are mystic illusions, configurations of similar sounds and words,
metaphors, incongruous grammatical formations, unsequential syntactical
relations and Word-Economy; and these create a sort of sacred quiz, which causes
ambiguity and taxes the ingenuity of even the most learned one.
- from The RGVEDA, Mandala III, A Critical Study of the Sayana Bhasya and Other
Interpretations of the Rgveda (3.1.1 to 3.7.3), by Dr. Siddh Nath Shukla;
Sharada Publishing House, Delhi, 2001.
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