Colony Earth: Part VII - Advanced Technology in The Rig Veda
The Rig Veda can be regarded as the history of the peoples of the Indus Valley
Civilization. Many Indian scholars have now accepted the idea that the people of
the Indus Valley, Mohenjo Daro, Harappa, etc., wrote the Rig Veda. Therefore the
abundance of metaphysical wisdom-knowledge and scientific references in the Rig
Veda, along with what I find as evidence of an advanced technology, may be
considered as the fabric and traditions of the Indus Valley Civilization.
From my reading and research I have come to understand that the meaning of the
Sanskrit language in the Rig Veda has yet to be translated fully and accurately.
I believe that the reason for numerous flawed and confusing translations is the
glaring fact that our consciousness and our brain power, our ability to think in
a deeper and non-linear manner, has so greatly devolved over the millennia
through the Cycles of Time, that we have lost the all encompassing powers of
perception naturally possessed by the Rishis/Seers who wrote the Rig Veda.
Scholars who translate the Rig Veda cannot agree on the meaning of the words.
Indian writers admit that their meaning is ‘forced’ to adapt to preconceived
beliefs. I feel that the Sanskrit of the Rig Veda is not composed of linear
sentences, but is expressed in 'spherical' words that have with layers within
layers and simultaneously provide multiple meanings, which serve to illuminate
and connect many fields such as history, science, and metaphysics. Here in our
present day Kali Yuga we are trapped in, limited to the five senses, linear and
compartmentalized thinking, and no longer have the higher 'whole mind’
consciousness capable of grasping words as spheres containing layers of meaning.
In his book 'Vedic Physics, Scientific Origin of Hinduism' Dr. Raja Ram Mohan
Roy provides many examples of physics in the ancient Sanskrit Vedic texts. Dr.
Roy explains that the “Vedic sages had the capability of looking at such a
subtle level, which is beyond the reaches of modern science.”
Dr. Roy defines the Sanskrit words ‘Prithivi-Antariksha-Dyau’ to illustrate his
opinion that a web pervades the universe, and this web consists of these three
intertwined webs. Prithivi is the broad and extended web, because the presence
of Prithivi’s expanse is found throughout the universe. Dyau is the space in
which light propagates. Antariksha exists between the two. Dividing space into
three parts is a descriptive verbal convenience that does not deny the
all-pervading Oneness beneath. The Vedic Seers were delineating a division of
the universe on very subtle levels — and not on the gross material level of five
sense perceptions.
Dr. Roy expresses his opinion that Dyau, the space that propagates light, is
“the hidden space” and the most important concept of Vedic science. He quotes a
verse from a very important and famous hymn in the Rig Veda, Mandala I.164 by
the revered Rishi Dirghatamas. Dirghatamas was one of the Angirasa Rishis, the
oldest of the Rishi families. This hymn contains 52 verses and is thought to be
a primary source of all Sanskrit metaphysics. To illustrate the hidden space,
meaning what is invisible to the five senses, Dr. Roy translates verse 39 as:
“Vedic mantras are in the never-decaying remotest sky, where all the gods
reside. One who does not know that, what will he do with Vedic mantras? One who
knows that, they (gods) will stay with him.” [Rig Veda I.164.39]
The Sanskrit word ‘deva’ is traditionally translated as gods, but literally
means light or the bright shinning ones. In his book 'The Celestial Key to the
Vedas' B.G. Sidharth states, “the Rig Vedic deities are really very definite and
subtle scientific entities [principles] and not tribal or semitribal gods." B.G.
Sidharth scientific research focuses on Particle Physics and Cosmology, and some
feel that he should have received the Nobel Prize for his work in 'dark energy'.
His view is that Rig Vedic “hymns are not religious prayers, but astronomical
and other scientific facts or discoveries deliberately and cleverly
camouflaged.” He also quotes The Dirghatamas Hymn 164.39 with a variation in his
“The Riks [hymns] are in the highest, undecaying heaven, wherein are situated
the shining ones. What can he do with the Riks, who does not know that?” [Rig
Veda I.164.39]
The ancient Seers were very aware that as we moved down through the Cycles of
Time, our perceptions would diminish until we reach the point of being limited
to the five senses. The Rishis knew that as 'density' increased and human
consciousness devolved into a miasma of amnesia, we would not be able to
comprehend words as ‘spheres’ of layered and multiple meanings. Therefore in
order to preserve sacred Truth throughout the ensuing degeneration of human
consciousness in Time, they encoded the eternal metaphysical principles that
create, sustain, and destroy the universe into personified deities to make these
abstract subtle concepts easier for our limited five-sense perception to grasp.
Beneath temporal appearances of material density is the Oneness that permeates
and pervades All. Those who have ‘the eye to see’ can perceive the One as
pulsating vibrating light. PRAKASHA is another Sanskrit word that points to the
idea that everything is “shining; luminous; effulgence; illumination; Pure
Consciousness.” The term SPANDA in Kashmir Shaivism suggests something similar:
Spanda is Divine Pulsation & Vibration; “the principle of apparent movement from
the state of absolute unity to the plurality of the world.” [A
Concise Dictionary of Indian Philosophy, Sanskrit Terms Defined in English, by
John Grimes]
Many scholars have translated the Seer Dirghatamas’ hymn 164 in the Rig Veda,
and the differences in translations are bewildering. The Ramakrishna Math
Printing Press in Chennai India has published a translation by Swami Amritananda
of this hymn 164 that gives word-by-word definitions and explanations. The book
is well worth studying even though the translation is quite naturally kept
within the ideas, beliefs, and philosophy of the Ramakrishna Vedanta school.
Swami Amritananda considers the difficulties in translating the Rig Veda and
Hymn 164 of Dirghatmas in particular: “… one with a yogic insight alone could
pierce the language and give us the true meaning of the hymn. The problem is
that the [enlightened] yogi can understand, but when it comes to giving an
expression to his thought, a similar symbolic language only is adopted by him as
it is more expressive.”
In other words, the experiential truths of the verses composed by Dirghatamas
can be experienced and understood by one who has reached enlightenment, but
communicating their ‘spherical’ layered multiple meanings to others, who are
still limited to five sense perception, throws the yogi back into symbolic
metaphor which again has as many meanings as there are listeners.
Thus as Swami Amritananda says, the Dirghatamas Rig Veda Hymn 164 “continues to
puzzle the ordinary reader” and that the verses are “couched in a symbolic
language and secondly no two scholars concur regarding the meaning.” This lack
of agreement on meaning can liberate a curious seeker — and thus has stirred me
to work on a translation of this 'puzzle' Hymn 164 which I understood to be a
primary source of all Sanskrit metaphysics.
Even though some scholars do use the later Puranic texts to illuminate the Rig
Veda, I am reluctant to do so. I intentionally stay with the definitions, which
are indicated to have been used in the Rig Veda and not those found in the later
Sanskrit texts.
B.G. Sidharth: “The Rig Vedic hymns on which current theories have been built
are in fact not well understood and contemporary interpretations remain obscure
and inconsistent.” [Celestial Key to the Vedas]
I am endeavouring to show that the Rig Veda itself is the product of a
civilization far more advanced than ours, not just spiritually, metaphysically,
but also technologically. The fact that the Indus Valley Civilization did not
leave piles of toxic non-degradable garbage for future generations does not
imply that it was in any way a primitive culture!
In the late 1980s I experienced a six-month period of seeing in the ‘eye of my
mind’ the colonization of our beloved planet. Therefore when I in all sincere
humility and dedication, laboriously work to translate these Rig Veda verses, I
find not only brilliant inspiring poetry that describes very subtle and deep
metaphysical inquiries, but also evidence of a highly advanced technological
civilization. These beings were what most of us think of as 'ancient astronauts'
and were the masters of space travel, weather modification, genetic engineering,
and radiation weaponry.
It seems reasonable to me that in the first and second cycles of time, the Satya
and Treta Yugas, knowledge was not fragmented and these ancient Seers would not
have been compartmentalized into any one field. The Rishis Dirghatamas,
Vashistha, Vishvamitra, Angirasa, Bhrigu, and others would not only have been
sages, seers, shamans if you prefer, geniuses in metaphysical wisdom — they
would also have been astrophysicists, astronauts, men of science, art, poetry,
music, architecture. These now diverse areas would not have been considered as
separate and the great ones would have excelled in them all, much as we, rather
weakly by comparison, consider a man like Leonardo da Vinci a ‘renaissance’ man,
meaning the master of many fields.
The images and information on Earth’s magnetic field that have been freely
offered by recent science are fascinating to me. As I said with some glee
previously, we should be worshipping our protective magnetic field! I was
certain that the Rig Vedic Rishis had discussed Earth’s magnetic field and hoped
to find her in a verse. However, I did not expect to find Earth’s magnetic field
in the Dirghatamas Hymn 164 – but I believe the God-within me lead me to an
aspect of my real Divine Mother, mAtA, as the sky of her protective womb,
Earth’s magnetic field. Here is my translation:
Rig Veda Mandala I.164.9 / Earth’s Magnetic Field
The Mother's sky (her magnetic field and the layers in the atmosphere) was yoked
(around the Earth), connecting with and joined.
An enclosure on a spindle (Earth’s magnetic field) stays, charged with bearing
‘the offspring of the sky’ (Earth which) rested within her womb, inside the
enclosure, fortified, amongst the folds of the atmosphere (layers).
The dear child (Earth) following alongside the herds of stars in the skies
remains beautifully formed, whole within (protected by her magnetic field), in
three paths, the courses of traversed distances.
(I suggest that the three paths of planets Earth’s traversed distances are
moving though space, encircling the Sun, and rotating on her axis.)
Sanskrit word definitions in Rig Veda I.164.9 from various sources:
Yukta – Yoked, by joining,
connecting with.
mAtA – Mother as the sky
(atmosphere around Earth)
Asit – was
Dhuri – load-bearing, charged with bearing
DakshinAyAh – given, offered, placed on the right, in the south, the southern
quarter, southern hemisphere below to the equator.
Atishtat – staying, remaining; rested; not standing, unstable.
Garbho – the womb; offspring of the sky, foetus, embryo, child; the inside,
middle or interior of anything.
Vrijanishu – an enclosure, fortified; sky, atmosphere; fold.
Antah – in the middle or interior, within, between, amongst.
amImet (mI) – NOT lessened, diminished, destroyed; not violated, altered,
VatsA – dear child
anu – following; after, along, alongside; here to, under, with, subordinate to.
gAm (go) – stars, the “herds of the sky” - [notice that the word often
translated as cows or cattle refers to the "herds of the sky" meaning the stars;
stars can be described poetically as herds as they move across the night heavens
— and not cows or cattle]
apashyat – not seeing, not being in view of; not noticing.
Vishva – universal, whole, entire; all, every, every one.
Rupyam – beautiful, well shaped.
Trishu – in three.
Yojaneshu – the path, course, (distance traversed).
Vedic Physics, Scientific Origin of Hinduism, by Dr. Raja Ram Mohan Roy; Golden
Egg Publishing, Toronto, Canada, 1999
The Celestial Key to the Vedas by B.G. Sidharth; Inner Traditions, 1999.
RGVEDA for the Layman, A Critical Survey of One Hundred Hymns of the Rigveda,
with Samhita-patha, Pada-patha and word meaning and English translation, by
Shyam Ghosh; Munishiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002, Nandi,
RGVEDA SAMHITA, Volumes I-IV, Sanskrit Text, English Translation and Notes
According to the Translation of H.H. Wilson and Bhasya of Sayanacarya; Edited
and revised with an exhaustive introduction and notes by Ravi Prakash Arya &
K.L. Joshi; Indica Books, Parimal Publications, Delhi, 2002.
RIG VEDA SAMHITA: Mandala – 1 (Part One), Suktas 1-50, (Text in Devanagari,
Translation and Notes), by R.L. Kashyap; Saksi, Published in collaboration with
ASR, Melkote; Sri Aurobindo Kapali Sastry Institute of Vedic Culture, Bangalore,
India, 2009.
RIG VEDA SAMHITA: Mandala – 9, (Text in Devanagari, Translation and Notes), by
R.L. Kashyap; Saksi, Published in collaboration with ASR, Melkote; Sri Aurobindo
Kapali Sastry Institute of Vedic Culture, Bangalore, India, 2009.
Rig Vedic Suktas Asya Vamiya Suktam, A Contemplative Study Translated by Swami
Amritananda; Sri Ramakrishna Math, Mylapore, Chennai, 2003.
The Rig Veda and the History of India, by David Frawley; Aditya Prakashan, New
Delhi, 2001, 2002.
Sanskrit-English Dictionary, M. Monier-Williams; Two volumes, Recomposed and
improved edition; Indica Books and Parimal Publications, New Delhi, 2008.
A Concise Dictionary of Indian Philosophy, Sanskrit Terms Defined in English,
John Grimes; Indica Books, 2009.
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