Whispering Rishis: In Reverence to the Rig Veda
Stars in my window,
shadows of sighing Rishis,
burning jewels in a deep night of
supreme ether, imperishable, immutable
their 10,552 rik mantrâs emanate Light
engulfing me in their primeval song,
consuming renewing, beckoning
enticing enchanting, exhausting
bewildering, absorbing fulfilling,
making me their own.
Their ancient essence beyond time,
suffusing inundating pervading
imbuing their primeval realms
unfamiliar, unknown, unknowable,
seducing me in their subtle glories,
sphinx mysteries impenetrable,
whispering monuments,
that Howling Luminescence
from the Corridors of Time,
the Rishis’ Embrace.
I push at the Door of lost meaning,
frozen in Time, codes evasive,
I seek entry, speak and hold me
in your visionary Wisdom,
layers of meaning hidden in spheres
beyond galactic motion, beyond
in the vast expanse, the deepest
darkest Space, boundless colossal,
expanding, the whisperings of Rishis.
Tell me your secrets, ancient ones,
Angiras, Dirghatamas, Vishvamitra,
Speak to me, revealing
Indra, Agni, Soma, Usha, Rudra,
Rita, Satya, Truth.
I wait.
A far end of nowhere hermit,
exiled in earth’s southern hemisphere,
swirling Antarctic ocean currents,
the far north of the extreme south,
this wandering mother-less child,
homeless decaying aging,
gaining am I in timeless Wisdom,
eternal spring, forever Yours.
To be no more,
to Be Eternal.
Coming Home from the war zone,
returning Home, far memory.
Beyond beyond.
Forever Yours, forever
The Embrace,
Indra’s Embrace.
V. Susan Ferguson / July 1, 2014
INDRA: The root etymology of the Sanskrit word Indra is
‘kindling’ & ‘lighting’; an evolute of Indha, from √Indh ‘to kindle’. Indra
also has the meaning one who tears this (idam) from idam (this) and √dr(i)
‘to tear’; this one who tears the seam (Sîmântam) of the universe (i.e. the
horizon); Indra came out of the womb by tearing it; Indra who divides or
tears; Indra who runs or rushes forth for Soma.
Soma, which I believe to be Plasma, is intimately connected with Indra;
Indra drinks lakes of Soma, and Soma is often said to flow for Indra’s sake.
Soma is Indra’s soul [RV IX.85.3] and even his generator [RV IX.96.5].
Connected to Norse Odin and Greek Uranus. Associated with an eagle.
NASA: The solar wind is an electrically conducting gas called plasma where
matter has been torn apart into electrons, which are relatively light, and
positively charged ions, which are thousands of times more massive. While
areas in sunlight can charge positive, areas in shadow get a strong negative
charge when electrons in the solar wind rush in ahead of heavier ions to
fill voids created as the solar wind flows by.
VEDIC ETYMOLOGY, A Critical evaluation of the Science of Etymology as found
in Vedic Literature; by Prof. Fatah Singh, M.A., B.T., D.Litt.; Chaukhamba
Surbharti Prakashan, Varanasi, 1952, 2008.
Supplement to His Sanskrit Grammar, 1879), by William Dwight Whitney;
Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt. Ltd, Delhi, 1963 - 2006.
Sanskrit-English Dictionary, M. Monier-Williams; Two volumes, Recomposed and
improved edition; Indica Books and Parimal Publications, New Delhi, 2008.
THE NIGHANTU and THE NIRUKTA of Sri Yaskacarya, The Oldest Indian Treatise
on Etymolgy, Philology and Semantics; Lakshman Sarup; Motilal Banarsidass
Publishers, Delhi,1967, 2009.
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